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Natural Product Inventions

Project Type

Natural Products


2015 to Present

In pursuit of my own best health, one of my favorite activities is to read scientific studies on natural products and to experiment with new formulas for better skin health. Over time, I became very fluent in nutrition, fitness and natural ingredients for skin and consumption. As I looked to solve my own issues, I found certain gaps in the natural products industry and began experimenting and studying natural ingredients that could solve my challenges where no other product could.

My first original formula arose because I am very very magnetic to biting insects. I can walk in a forest and there will be a cloud of insects following me, and using 100% deet just was not going to be a good solution long term because of the toxicity. So I began to experiment and after a year, I came up with a natural insect repellent that is very powerful. With great relief I transitioned from needing hunter’s 100% deet to using my own natural formula. My formula has been proven effective in USA and South American Rain Forests and Mangroves.

My second original formula arose from the cost and toxicity of acne treatments that I found to not be very effective on my hormonal acne and acne scars. I just knew that there were going to be natural ingredients that would calm down my skin if I just investigated and experimented enough. Two years later I have invented an effective formula that is a skin tonic that calms active skin, treats acne (even hormonal acne and cystic acne), removes spots from acne, age and sun and softens lines. Several years later, I am still enjoying calm, clear, youthful skin as are members in my community of all ages.

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